CNS Store $25.00 giveaway

CLOSED:  The winner is comment 13: Mary
Thanks to everyone who commented and clicked on the CNS links!

CNS Stores has contacted me about doing a giveaway through my blog.  They have over 200 on-line stores with one handy check out and you can find every thing from plumbing and lighting fixtures or a corner TV stand, even handbags and cookware.

So here’s how this will work leave a comment about what you might get if you win.  For instance maybe you would pick one of these two baking pans to make your valentine something special.

Or a comment about anything and next week (Um, February already!!) I will use a random number generator and pick a winner.

So leave me a comment, and click on the link.  Maybe CSN Stores will let us do this again.

Thanks for playing!!!