Starting year 60

This picture is early morning at the yoga studio. Before it warmed up in the studio and only a few of us there. But since the photo is within the last week we will call it for birthday representation.

Today I turned 59. My fifties are over and my 60th year starts.

I was showered with love today. Four phone calls. So many happy birthday texts I don’t even remember how many.

I was pouring rain again today and I took a walk in my Wellies. I didn’t quite get two miles in and circled back home expecting to go back out but didn’t make it.

My 100 miles is at risk for February. So much time spent at the yoga studio for training that weekend walks have been scarce. Then all this rain. I would need to get about 4.5 a day until the end of the month, which yea is doable but maybe not if this rain does not slow down.

It’s quite a day. Four people I shared happy birthday back and forth with as it is their birthday as well. Including my high school friend, Niece, co-worker and ex-co-worker.

One Response to “Starting year 60”

  1. Says:

    Darn, your card will be late, my dear friend!  It is on my calendar but I have so many arrows, lines, appointments, I didn’t get that card sent.I have a major tooth pulled on 2/28, and so many appointments!  (plus $4,000 for getting the inplant!  Then I am having hip replacement on April 2.  There are SEVERAL  Dr. appointments before that happens, and then a lot after, too!  I guess this is not my best year so far, but the hip thing has been going on since July and it is……..wait…..X-ray……..wait……..cortisone shot……… MRI………Surgeon apt………wait……set a date….etc! I worry about all of you in CAL. every day and night we see so much distruction!  It is just sad!  I keep thinking  I hope the kids in Seattle who are on Mid-winter break did not go to Disneyland! But happy, happy birthday.Linda

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