Week three and the mis-step

Kittens are three weeks old today. Lori has secured homes for three of the four kittens. Two to her dean and one to the family who took the random Christmas kitten that showed up.

We have been keeping an eye on the momma who keeps a sharp eye on the feral house she had them stashed (past tense) in.

Yesterday early morning I could really hear them crying and walked out there thinking the momma must be away.

I got to the house and could tell she was in fact in there but the two calico kittens had gotten out and were crying.

As I got closer the momma was growling and hissing at me and sprang out of the house.

I picked up these two gave them a quick (get used to humans) cuddle, opened the roof and put them back in.

I came in and watched the momma jump back in. Saw her later in the day coming out and thought we had averted the dreaded move if she thought her hiding place was up.

Well this morning while feeding I noticed the chair blocking the escape door (placed to reduce escape risks) was turned over. I checked my shoulder to make sure momma wasn’t watching and went to fix it.

Only to find she didn’t care cause she had moved them!

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