Weekend activities

Well that last post was a bit depressing wouldn’t you say. Sparked a phone call from my dearest friend Beth and a few texts to check on me.

I am fine. Just seriously bored with the sameness and that 2021 feels like a lost year. As I get old-er the years are more precious and I don’t like wasting them.

This weekend involved painting class, work on my pen and ink drawing, two walks, a puzzle and all kinds of food not on my usual food plan.

We worked on wet on wet paining techniques for this whale and winter forest,

After our Saturday walk I went and picked us up sushi and it was a very yummy dinner. Once home I even put it on a regular plate for us to share.

In the afternoon I worked on my pen and ink drawing. Class is Tuesday and there is mo way I will finish it by then. Tomorrow I have to sketch out the drawing we will be doing this Tuesday.

I didn’t work on the drawing today because both before and after my walk we worked on this puzzle that we started last night. We are pulling out all the old quarantine standards and have done four puzzles this month so far.


Not all neighbors measure up, especially against each other.

I was working tonight, Lori happened to be between classes and she came into the office to say “the neighbor is here” I was in the middle of an SEC filing so she had to answer. I joined her in just a moment.

Vanessa from across the street had brought us hot home made dinner. Chile relleno, rice and beans. I didn’t even get a picture taken before Lori had dished up, I mean it was her dinner break and I was about to make chicken wings in the air fryer.

This was so increadibly sweet. She also asked me for the enchilada recipe for the enchiladas I took them recently. Her kids told her “you have to get her recipe”

So I had a very non Whole-30 dinner tonight. And tomorrow I may have a headache from the cheese. But it was both so yummy and so nice to have someone else cook for us. So worth the headache for sure.

Now to cook something for when I return these dishes to Vanessa.

Now for the another neighbor, actully they live about three houses up the street that is perpendicular into our street.

We have been listening to his mini or micro motor bikes. When they are riding them, they are inches off the ground. In fact the whole bike is barely 30 inches off the ground. They also burn donughts in the intersection at the corner and more recently right in front of our house.

But their newest craze is the 4-wheeler they procured and the wheelies they are doing in the street in front our our house. But now they are zooming up and down the street on this thing and popping the front up and riding it down the street. I fear one of these blogs will be about the aid car that had to come because one of them cracked their skulls open on the pavement.

Lets See

Let me tell you about all of th exciting stuff going on …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Well Biden was sworn in. That has got to be the best thing.

Not a lot else. January has flown by. I have been walking, I have been cooking and I have been working. Not a lot else. My drawing class got cancelled this week and I was perfectly happy with that because for one I worked 14 hours on Sunday and needed the morning off on Monday. Two I hadn’t drawn anything since the week before class.

I have been walking most days. In fact Sunday when I worked way too many hours was the only day this month without a walk. I have surpassed my 100 goal and with 5 days left will beat the 115 I put in for December.

On one of my walks last week I included a trip to and from the farmers market. I didn’t get a lot but I needed eggs, picked up a fresh loaf of squaw bread for Lori, Strawberries that had been picked that morning and SIX bacon avocados. I love these avocados. They are perfectly ripe and so buttery. This one that I split for breakfast yesterday and today is huge. It is the size of my hand and 1/4 of it was still a lot of avocado.

Thos strawberries didn’t last long either. Between the two of us they were gone in a few days. While we were focused on the strawberries we completely ignored the blueberries in the fridge we needed to eat so Saturday morning after sleeping in I made us pancakes. They were from Cassava flour, coconut milk and eggs and a ton of blueberries. But because there were still blueberries left I whipped up a second batch and made 8 more pancakes and froze them all so we can just toast them up later.

Besides cooking, working and walking we are all still shut in because of Covid. We have signed up to be notified when we qualify to get vaccinated but its looking like its months away. There is just nothing else to blog about. No trips, no friends, no family.

In the mean time I’m walking 100 miles a month and figure if I can keep this up through the heat of Summer I will have walked about 1,500 miles for the year. That sounds insane when I put it like that. I did buy a new pair of shoes because although I had a brand new pair and tried working them into the rotation, my toes cramp every time I walk in them so that’s not gonna work.

New Years (Eve) Update

New Years eve, after getting off work and heading to bed. There was POUNDING on our front door. Pounding that makes you respond, that and it was 11:15 at night. So of course I answer the door. In my nightshirt and boxers stood talking to a couple of cops asking if we heard the gunshots at about 10:45. I said I had been on a conference call and did not. But it leaves little to be desired on the what you are doing for New Years Eve is what you are doing through the year. Oh that and at the end of the day I realized I had my Yoga pants inside out the entire day. A day that I went for a walk, a day that I went to the car wash twice. So can’t seems to dress myself and random gun shots on my block for 2021. Here is the photo from out the window of half a dozen cop cars in my driveway.

New Years day took a more traditional path. We made mimosas for breakfast and I made probably the best black eyed peas and corn bread I have made. Probably has something to do with the Chorizo I used in it this year.