Soup Season

It may be soup season, but it still isn’t soup weather in these parts. But that didn’t stop me from making chicken soup yesterday.

I had half a roast chicken from Sunday and Lori has a cold. So I made enough soup to last us several days. Some is in the freezer the rest ready for reheating.

Ignore the mangos, a neighbor a few blocks away gave us those on our walk on Sunday. They were not part of the soup.

12 hours of baking

I starts this morning before the sun was up to bake eight dozen mini cupcakes for Lori to take to the Dojo this morning. There was a potluck after the black belt demonstration today. She had to leave by 9:00 to get there and help set up.

After the cupcakes I whipped up a pan of brownies. These are just to return a plate. I had a friend deliver cookies a couple weeks ago on one of their plates. Just can’t return that empty, what would Emily Post think.

I then made four batches of my spicy oatmeal cookies and four batches of my chocolate chip cookies. These are to deliver to the neighbors and a few friends.

I did nothing else today, not a walk, not my usual chores and laundry day. I did get the kitchen clean and mopped after I bagged up all the cookies. I ended up with 24 dozen cookies bagged.

Keto Brownies

I make cupcakes for each of my co-workers birthdays.  Well there are two birthdays between this weekend and next Wednesday.  So today instead of making my friend “C” cupcakes I made her Keto Brownies because she has been on Keto for several months now.

This recipe I got off the internet so I have no claims to it and in fact give credit to Elana Amsterdam. 

So zero flour and zero sugar!  Nice and moist.  I think I will mix walnuts mixed in prior to baking next time.


She was thrilled!

New Years Eve

I have long had a new years eve theory that what you are doing on new years eve is what you will be doing for the year.  So I usually put some effort and thought into what I am doing on new years eve.  I mean I really do love cleaning house, but this is not the day I scrubbing the toilet.

This year before work was filled with Lori, errands and projects at the house.

Then I had to work, this is actually a good thing considering I was unsure I would have a job when the company merged in August.  It would have been nice to be able to work from home that day, as a look into the year but that didn’t happen. My co-worker was on vacation so I worked alone.  (I like that.) I was also quite busy, but with a personal project actually as it’s a slow week for work.

Traffic was not bad (good omen) and I got home in 40 minutes with still 20 minutes of the old year to spend with Lori.

The neighbor had a huge party, not a surprise as this is a monthly occurrence.  The music was pretty good, some Prince, Tone Loc, Michael Jackson, Salt & Pepper, George Michael.  I laid and bed and listened because there wasn’t any fighting it.

Working, errands, projects, Lori and music.  Sounds like a good upcoming year.

New years day I was up early to take work back from 3rd shift as I was on call for the holiday.  No actual work but I spent the day at home and made us a great veggie focused breakfast and my usual black-eyed peas, collard greens and cornbread for lunch.  Since new years day is my brother’s birthday we took him to dinner in the evening.

More good things: home, cooking and family to add to the upcoming year.
