Mid April

What a week. Work was very busy, the food bank was very busy, and the usual life things were very busy.

I didn’t go to yoga on Tuesday, the morning class on that day is a gentle class and instead I put in several hours of work in the yard to fill both yard waste bins and got half of the front yard cut back. It is easier to see backing out of the driveway, but still half to go.

The goal this rainy weekend was to fill them again to be picked up this week. That has not happened.

On Wednesday I worked my check in shift at the yoga studio then had a private session to work on a couple of things that need fine tuning.

Besides having to be at work a couple hours early on Monday the shifts all week until Friday were non stop. But there seems to be the dullest of lights at the end of the peak tunnel.

On Thursday I was really hoping for a light day at the food bank so I could get more done at home but instead it was extremely busy. They have also changed the days for handing out food so were expecting a lot of people later in the day.

After I put everything away they had me bag up food for 12 families. This was three bags apiece. One was full of cans (blue bags) then a bag of dried goods like oatmeal, beans, applesauce, pasta, nuts, milk, peanut butter, ect. And then a third bag of frozen food, protien, strawberries and tortillas. By the time I finished I had just enough time to get home and walk before work.

Friday after yoga, dropping off dry cleaning, doing laundry and my walk before work it was nice to have a slower night.

I also took about 20 of these pictures, sticking my phone into the Portulacaria trying to get a glimpse of Ethel and her kittens, with no luck. But at one point something growled at me so I figured I was close and walked away.

Today while on the phone I walked out back to lower the umbrella because the wind was picking up. I had seen Ethel go into one of the feral cat condos yesterday. She had gone in but came right back out.

But while walking past it and she was across the yard I opened up the lid to see four week old kittens.

I did not stick around or try and touch them. From what I have read you should wait about two weeks before touching.

I also don’t want her to abandon them. I was happy to see her hanging out in the rain on the top floor looking out the door, knowing her kits were dry and warm inside.

Lori thinks she has homes for all four, of course assuming we catch and tame them. So very many pieces of advice on that today as the pictures were shared.

One friend who has captured kittens that young guaranteed us the momma would follow if we moved them. She did it and put them all in her spare bathroom. I said fine I’ll bring them all to her place because we don’t have a spare bathroom. 🤣

I do know that if Ethel abandons them we will have to bottle feed as the pound euthanizes bottle babies for lack of staff and we do not have the time or energy for that!

Done and Done (now what)

It has been a while. We have been so very busy at work and so very busy finishing up Yoga Teacher Training. I also started “working” at the studio on Wednesdays. It is the perfect situation where I get to help out, feel involved and included and my pay is unlimited yoga! Win win win.

Work still has a month of being super busy, this next week being the craziest. I thought I would get in here tonight and get an update posted.

Yesterday we had our final exam for Yoga Teacher Training, as of today there are 10 newly certified yoga teacher in the area. The written went pretty quick about 30 minutes or so. Then the 10 of us each taught our self created sequence to the other nine. After being in yoga class for an hour and then the tests made for a very long day of yoga.

Today was the last day. After yoga class we had the graduation ceremony along with a vegan potluck. We got to meet husbands, parents, children and friends of our cohorts. Also other members from the studio came to celebrate.

It is an amazing group of people whom I genuinely calls friends. We went out yesterday to celebrate after the full day yesterday, it was a wonderful time. We have a tentative dinner date with one new friend and her husband. I am excited to support these new teachers as they branch out.

There has not been a spare moment of the last two weeks that I wasn’t studying. Including voice recording my sequence so I could play it on repeat in my daily walks. Today after the potluck when I was putting all my study stuff away there was a freeing feeling and a 4.5 mile walk just listening to music.

Starting year 60

This picture is early morning at the yoga studio. Before it warmed up in the studio and only a few of us there. But since the photo is within the last week we will call it for birthday representation.

Today I turned 59. My fifties are over and my 60th year starts.

I was showered with love today. Four phone calls. So many happy birthday texts I don’t even remember how many.

I was pouring rain again today and I took a walk in my Wellies. I didn’t quite get two miles in and circled back home expecting to go back out but didn’t make it.

My 100 miles is at risk for February. So much time spent at the yoga studio for training that weekend walks have been scarce. Then all this rain. I would need to get about 4.5 a day until the end of the month, which yea is doable but maybe not if this rain does not slow down.

It’s quite a day. Four people I shared happy birthday back and forth with as it is their birthday as well. Including my high school friend, Niece, co-worker and ex-co-worker.

We are halfway

We are officially more than half way through yoga teacher training. I feel super behind on studying but mostly because we spent two full days this weekend at the yoga studio and now I have five days to try and digest and incorporate all that we learned.

Today completed weekend six. We go to week eleven but that last week is just the final and practicum testing. So four more week of study along with the required yoga classes during the week.

I may be just reiterating this simply to square it all in my own head. With full time work the other five days I am usually lost on just what days it is.

Not a lot else to talk about. I did get some weeding done on Thursday in the front yard. Not all of it by any means but certainly cleaned it up.

We are in store for rain most of this week so more weeds are right behind those.

After the last bout of rain, where it didn’t stop for a single moment for days, we had tons of hungry hummingbirds when it finally cleared.

I watched them drain both hummingbird feeders two days in a row.

I fully expect the same to happen at the end of the week once the rain slows again.

We also have a bed full of cats. They are not thrilled we are gone between 8-12 hours each weekend day.