Miniature winter landscapes

Part of today was art!

I painted several miniature winter landscapes. Tons of fun.

Quick pen drawings

Today was a busy day! Here we are at the end, blog needed and scrolling through the few pictures I have today to come up with something.

The day started off with a dentist appointment for teeth cleaning. After I got home and took a walk I had little time left before work. Not enough to dive into a project but enough time to go out to the studio and draw.

The class I am currently in is drawing faces. Faces in all kinds of mediums. And this week is ballpoint pen. There is no erasing in pen and shading is well, difficult.

I was working in this face in class on Tuesday but it was more of an exercise on using the pen since it was already mapped out.

But I had this other picture printed from a couple weeks ago when we were painting in Fauvism style. I didn’t really like the painting or maybe its the style I didn’t like, either way it got a do over.

Today I tried it in pen, getting a likeness and expression with very few lines. I actually like this one.

Hot water

Yesterday after we returned home from yoga Lori was getting ready to head to school for meetings and classes, she informed me getting out of a very cold shower that we had no hot water.

I called the plumber who could be here by 2:30. I already knew we needed a new hot water heater because when I went out to look it was leaking and clearly not holding water.

They got here with enough time for me to show them the old old, conform it was toast, sign paperwork and start my work shift at 2:30.

Yes we needed a new hot water tank, and no a tankless won’t work in this spot for several very expensive reasons that maybe in the future we could plan for. By 4:30 they were done, loaded and out of here saying it would be 30-40 minutes and we would have hot water.

Nope. At 8:30 pm I called and left a message with the answering service that we still had no hot water.

Today was a busy day without making time for the plumber again. I walked 4 miles super early so that I could be home the rest of the day. When the plumber called me back they would be here but didn’t know when.

My newest art class was to start at 10:00 am and I heard at 9:30 they were on their way. So I opened the gate and told them I would be in the back yard.

I had opened up my studio and got ready for class and he showed up about ten minutes before my class started. Because I was right there in my studio I could see him working, I went out to find that someone was bringing him another new tank. The core of this one was leaking and not holding pressure to heat.

It took another two hours to take out the new one, put in the new-new one and test it. Class ended and I was able to catch most of the class. Needing to step out a couple times in the last half hour.

The plumber waited for it to heat up, I ran some water (did a few dishes that were waiting) and he confirmed it was heating again.

So the third water heater in this spot in less than 24 hours. Nothing like a few unexpected events tossed into the week to shake things up a bit.

Girls in the rain

Without prattling on and on, and on about the rain let me just point out that there are mushrooms growing everywhere in our yard.

I pulled a bunch of them in the back yard while I weeded yesterday. But the front is a mushroom forest at this point.

Today was my drawing class and it was pouring on my little studio. I felt bad for the yard kitties cause it was really coming down.

When I came out and headed in I noticed the girls were both in the beds under the big umbrella, the only dry spot in the yard. Five hours later the rain is still coming down and they are still in those only dry beds. The male cat in the back is usually in the kitty condo hidden behind that rosemary to the left.