Steller Jay in watercolor

I finished this cheeky little guy before yoga this morning. I had to get tomorrows egret drawn for class so got out there before the heat of the day hit.

I really like this one, he was fun. This bird class ends after tomorrows class. Hoping for another bird class.

This week in photos

To explain the peacock feathers. We live near a farm that has a lot of peacocks. They often jump the fence into the target parking lot. When I walk in the early mornings I often find and collect them. I have a bunch of them now. I’m not sure what I will do with them but I am still inclined to watch for and collect them.

Weekly wrap up

What a week. So very busy that the only way to blog right now is in a weekly wrap up style.

So what is going on then? Well it’s hot, oh so hot as I am sure every reader out there can attest to. My Washington Post headline this morning said it was the hottest week on Earth, ever!!

What else, well we found a local yoga studio, and by we I mean Lori found a local studio. It is so very much closer then then one I was driving to pre pandemic! There are not as many classes and our only weekday morning option is at 9:00 am.

Since it is smack dad in the middle of the morning that means with this heat I really should be walking before class, but even with all my good intentions that has not happened and so I have been walking after 10 when we get home and it is ho-o-o-t.

But today will be my third class and Lori’s fourth since Monday when we started. It is less than three miles away, but through a very busy highway. It would be closer if we didn’t have to drive around I-5 to get there, it would only be a few blocks.

I managed to walk before art class on Tuesday and also yesterday I walked early. Yesterday I had a 10 am meeting with the city director and Lori went to yoga. Today I should be waking early but I am here blogging and drinking coffee before yoga. So another hot walk today after yoga.

I met with the city yesterday and after months of applying and paperwork and fingerprints and getting cleared by the DOJ I am an official volunteer at the social services center for the city. I will be there every Thursday and Friday from 9am to noon for the foreseeable future.

I will be working for the food pantry. Organizing, sorting, inventory, shopping, distributing. I am very excited even though it will be just two mornings a week.

With the volunteer position and the yoga several days a week and the art class that keeps me sane I am still going to get my 100miles a month walking in. Having started that challenge at the end of 2020 and walking a minimum of 100 miles a month for several years it is now just part of my schedule it is just going to be a tighter squeeze.

I’m wrap up fashion here are a few other things from the week. One, another abandoned piano. I am not kidding, I saw this one on my walk earlier in the week. I had my hands full with an umbrella to block the sun and a bottle of water. I still managed to play a little. It was not as out of tune as the other from a few weeks ago. However the keys were in much worse shape.

My painting class this time is on birds. So far I am loving it even though the studio is crazy hot in this heat and my paint is drying so fast I am having trouble with hard edges.

Babies babies. My nephew and his wife had a little girl this week. I managed to get this blanket finished and mailed off. Another nephew and his wife were due on Aug 17, but born two months premature and is still in the nicu but doing really well. I hope to have her blanket done and sent by the original due date. Oh but wait, third nephew and his wife are due on December 13 and I picked up the yarn to get that blanket started as well.

Ok, I think that wraps up the week: weather, walking, yoga, volunteering, painting, baby blankets! Oh and two people off at work so just two of use for the whole week! Guess I best get ready for yoga and get this day going! The weekend is almost here, I do however have to work Sunday night this week due to those vacations I mentioned.

I hope your week is as great and that you are staying cool!


It is still cold here, colder then we are used to anyway. We still have rain off and on that is feeding all the weeds and limiting time in the yard.

But what I noticed today was the hummingbird feeder I cleaned and filled on Saturday was nearly empty. I saw it when I was coming back from my walk. I checked the ground and around to make sure it wasn’t leaking. But no stickiness anywhere.

But later I noticed there where six hummingbirds on the feeder. More buzzing around and even more on the other feeder.

That second feeder isn’t empty like this one, but I’m guessing the hummingbirds are cold too and eating a lot.